The Trade Unions (Amendment) Bill 2022 – What to Expect?
The Trade Unions (Amendment) Bill 2022 – What to Expect?

On Friday, 14 October, AMCHAM’s Human Capital Committee hosted a special briefing on the proposed Amendments to the Trade Union Act. Following the recent second reading of the Trade Unions (Amendment) Bill 2022, this briefing was a good opportunity for attendees to learn more about the amendments .
Anwar Yusoff, General Manager, HR & Government Affairs, ConocoPhillips and Chair of Human Capital Committee welcomed the participants at the beginning of the session. We are glad to have the Trade Unions Act experts Rubini Murugesan and Sivaram Prasad, Partners at Christopher & Lee Ong to share the various updates with regards to the Act.
Attendees had the opportunity to raise questions and learn how the amendments could affect their business. Special thanks to our two guest speakers for conducting a very informative session.