Briefing on Amendments to the Employment Act
Briefing on Amendments to the Employment Act

On 5 October, AMCHAM’s Human Capital Committee organized the second briefing on Amendments to the Employment Act. This is timely as the Ministry of Human Resources recently announced the implementation of amended Employment Act would be moved to January 2023.
Anwar Yusoff, General Manager, HR & Government Affairs, ConocoPhillips, and Chair of Human Capital Committee welcomed the participants at the beginning of the session. We are glad to have with us here again the Employment Law experts Raymond Low, Partner at Shearn Delamore & Co; and Hon Cheong Yong, Partner at Zaid Ibrahim & Co. to go through the various updates with regards to the Act and how employers and employees can better prepare for its implementation. Mei Quin Chen, Senior Employment Counsel at Intel Technology Sdn. Bhd. moderated the session.
Attendees were able to raise questions and concerns surrounding the updates before the amendments are implemented next year. Thank you to our guest speakers for conducting the session and helping us through the complications of the updates.