2nd Malaysia Tax Policy Forum
2nd Malaysia Tax Policy Forum

In Malaysia, tax has been the centre of an intense debate which has unfortunately divided the country along political lines. Whether it is GST or SST, the conversation should not be a political debate and the wellbeing of the country should take prime importance. With the big fiscal gap inherited since last year, how should Malaysia move forward?
On 29 September, AMCHAM’s CEO, Siobhan Das was invited to be a moderator during the 2nd panel at the 2nd Malaysia Tax Policy Forum at The Everly Putrajaya. The purpose of the forum was to gather innovative ideas and best practices from around the world.
Panelists were Amarjeet Singh, ASEAN and Malaysia Tax Leader & Business Tax Services Leader Ernst & Young Tax Consultants Sdn Bhd and Saravana Kumar Segaran, Partner, Tax, SST & Customs Practice, Rosli Dahlan Saravana Partnership. The subject for the 2nd panel was on how does Malaysia fare against its surrounding Asian neighbours in regards to its tax rates and public deliverables.