Members’ Briefing (1 June 2022)

AMCHAM held its members briefing on June 1st, these briefings were usually held on the first Wednesday of each month. Now that the lockdowns have ceased and the country is opening up, AMCHAM will be phasing out the hybrid events and conducting more in-person events.

Our CEO Siobhan Das updated on the recent initiatives from the Chamber and what to expect in the coming months. She also shared with members her recent trip to the U.S. – the engagements she had there with member companies, participation in the 2022 Semiconductor Roundtable discussion and the launch of the U.S.-led Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF), providing insight into what are the areas of focus in the IPEF.

Michael Newbill, Charge D’Affaires of the U.S. Embassy in Kuala Lumpur also provided updates on the U.S. side and expanded on the IPEF.

Special thanks to our guests from the U.S. Embassy for the updates. Be on the lookout for the next Members’ Briefing which will be in-person. We hope to see you soon.