[Virtual] AMCHAM’S Women’s Week 2022 – Day 1
[Virtual] AMCHAM’S Women’s Week 2022 – Day 1

Today, 15 March 2022, marks the start of AMCHAM’s Women’s Week. With the 2022 theme of International Women’s Day “Break the Bias”, our own offices are excellent starting points to begin looking. AMCHAM CEO, Siobhan Das kicked off the session followed by an opening presentation on addressing cognitive bias at work by Dr. Valerie Jaques, Founder, Integrated Psychology Network. She provided a comprehensive explanation on what cognitive bias is and how it affects our judgment and decisions in our daily lives.
Dr. Valerie then proceeded to join Aik Kean Chong, Managing Director of Intel Technology Sdn. Bhd. and Usman Ahmed, Chief Executive Officer at Citibank Berhad for the panel discussion, moderated by Siobhan Das. Panelists Aik Kean Chong and Usman Ahmed spoke of the initiatives their respective organizations have been doing to break the bias and drive inclusivity. In the process of addressing long-held beliefs, customs, and culture, the panelists addressed why identifying and breaking the bias matters for a thriving and productive workplace.
Special thanks to our guest speakers for a successful first day of our Women’s Week. Look forward to tomorrow’s session at 9.00am.